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08 agosto 2008
05 agosto 2008
Processo de Bolonha - Parecer final
Afinal vai tudo ficar mesmo assim como está...uns licenciados de 3 anos, outros de 4.
Cabe às diferentes escolas decidir se fazem Licenciaturas de 3 ou 4 anos, sendo que, caso se decidam por 4 anos, o estágio profissional terá obrigatóriamente de estar incluido.
Uma decisão que acaba por agradar a todos...hehe
...a mim não...é pena que não nos consigamos entender porque acho que os cursos deveriam ser semelhantes, independentemente da Escola onde são leccionados...mas isso nunca acontece, não é?
As diferenças depois veêm-se cá fora...não vale de nada, mas dá para notar bem.
04 agosto 2008
É esperar que há-de chegar cá...
Um excerto de um artigo de um Blog - Americans for Responsible Imaging que transcreve uma resolução prestes a ser aprovada que autoriza Clínicos de especialidades que não Radiologia a Protocolar e Analisar Exames Radiológicos, sem qualquer intervenção por parte dos Radiologistas.
Só nos USA...apetece dizer...o pior é que, vai a ver, qualquer dia temos uma cópia disto cá...é só algum iluminado lembrar-se disso...hehe
"Fairness" in Medical Imaging Interpretation
A Resolution from the American Misbegotten Association
Resolution 208, Fairness in Medical Imaging Interpretation, is to come before the AMA's House of Delegates shortly, and it is expected to pass. It is introduced by some of our very good friends:
American Society of Neuroimaging
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
American Medical Group Association
American College of Cardiology
American College of Gastroenterology
American Gastroenterological Association
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
(Associações de várias especialidades unidas por uma causa? Qual $erá a razão?)
So, what do these illustrious physicians call "fair"? Here's the text of the bill and relevant AMA policy:
Whereas, Expenditures for advanced medical imaging services, such as CT, MRI and PET, have significantly increased in this decade, raising legitimate concerns over utilization rates; and
Whereas, These concerns have led payers, state legislatures, government agencies and radiology management companies to consider eliminating reimbursement for in-office imaging and image interpretation by non-radiologists without consideration of their training and certified competence to provide these services; and
Whereas, Available data do not suggest that increased imaging costs are necessarily attributable to in-office imaging services by most medical specialties involved in medical imaging and interpretation; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association encourage and support the in-office utilization, medical direction and supervision of advanced imaging services by qualified or certified physicians whose utilization of these modalities is within the scope of their specialty practice in accordance with appropriateness guidelines, practice guidelines, technical standards and accreditation standards for the imaging modalities utilized as defined by their specific medical society (New HOD Policy); and be it further
RESOLVED, That our AMA actively oppose efforts by federal and state legislators, regulatory bodies, private payers, public payers and radiology business management companies to restrict the application of advanced imaging services for the diagnosis and treatment of patients when such services are provided as defined by specialty specific appropriateness guidelines, practice guidelines and technical standards for the imaging modalities utilized.
Comentário do Blogger...
Excuse me, but what a bunch of CRAP! It has been proven time and time again that self-referral DOES show increased utilization. Beyond that, what our friends are asking for is a complete disregard for imaging standards as set by us, the imagers. Can anyone gue$$ what the motivation might be for all of thi$? $ure, you can. And tell me, is it "fair" for a clinician to be able to generate income by ordering unnecessary tests, bypassing any restraint? I don't think so.
É daquele tipo de coisas que não me custa muito acreditar que possa vir a acontecer daqui a uns tempos...é só esperar...
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