15 junho 2012

Canal Mais Saúde

Projecto em desenvolvimento há uns anos, já internacionalmente premiado, de um canal com conteúdos específicosde Saúde.

Os Serviços ou instituições podem increver-se, sem encargos, e fazer parte deste projecto que se quer de âmbito nacional.

Boa ideia para substituir as telenovelas nas nossas salas de espera, não?

09 junho 2012

Novos Links de Qualidade Adicionados

http://www.asq.org ….………………..………….. American Society for Quality
http://www.qualite.qc.ca ………………………….. Mouvement québécois qualité
http://www.mfq.asso.fr …………………………… Mouvement français qualité
http://www.babson.edu ..........……………………Babson College
http://www.juran.com ……………………………. Juran Institute
http://deming.eng.clemson.edu …………………… Deming Web Site
http://www.quality.org …………………………… Quality resources online
http://www.curiouscat.com ……………………… Management Improvement
http://mijuno.larc.nasa.gov/dfc/qtec ……………… Quality Technologies
http://www.goalqpc.com …………………………. Goal/QPC
http://www.qualitymag.com ……………………… Quality Magazine
http://qualitymag.com ………….........……………. Quality Online
http://www.qualitydigest.com …………………….. Quality Digest
http://www.qualitytoday.com …………………….. Quality Today
http://www.qualityprogress.asq.org ……………….. Quality Progress
http://www.iso.ch ………..………………………… International Standard Organisation
http://www.scc.ca ………………………………… Standard Council Canada
http://www.qs9000.com …………………………… ISO 9000 Information
http://www.nqi.ca …………………………………. National Quality Institute - Baldrige
http://www.nist.gov ………………………………… National Institute Standards Technologies
http://www.carfax.co.uk/tqm-ad.htm ……………… Total Quality Management

04 junho 2012

Estaremos realmente protegidos?

How protective are the lead aprons we use against ionizing radiation?

Orhan Oyar, Arzu Kışlalıoğlu

Colonografia Virtual sem preparação Intestinal

Scientists Develop Laxative-Free Virtual Colonoscopy

Virtual colonoscopies using CT scanners are becoming more common for some indications, and that alleviates the need for patients to have optical tools inserted where the sun don’t shine. Nevertheless, prior to exam, the colon needs to be emptied so that intestinal tissue, and any potential polyps, can be clearly seen. Buckets of laxatives are usually administered to facilitate the cleansing of the colon, but certainly not everyone is excited about such an experience. Researchers from Harvard have been working on alleviating the need to evacuate the colon by using a drinkable contrast agent and computational methods to differentiate stool from tissue in the CT scans. According to an initial study on 605 adults with an average to moderate risk for colon cancer, the researchers have shown that the new technique successfully detects adenomas at least 10 mm in size and the patient experience was greatly improved.
Because participation in colorectal cancer screening is seriously hampered by the way it is commonly performed, virtual colonoscopy coupled with laxative-free imaging should help get a lot more people into the clinic.

An experimental version of the virtual colonoscope digitally removes stool from the colon, allowing doctors to see polyps and other abnormalities. (Photo courtesy Dr. Michael Zalis.)

02 junho 2012

Artigos de Junho

Ficam referências e links para alguns artigos dos números de Junho de algumas das revistas referenciadas.
A Lista é feita em função das minhas preferências mas podem sempre utilizar o link agregado às imagens para ver a revista/jornal completa.

Nota: Todos os artigos referidos são de acesso livre e o link é directo para o pdf.

Sun Z, Al Ghamdi KS, Baroum IH
PDF versionBiomed Imaging Interv J 2012; 8(1):e3 

The benefit of expiratory-phase quantitative CT densitometry in the early diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 
H. Beşir, K. Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, L. Aydın, R. Altın, K. Asil, S. Gündoğdu. Diagn Interv Radiol 2012; 18:248-254
DOI: 10.4261/1305-3825.DIR.4365-11.3

The value of the computed tomographic obstruction index in the identification of massive pulmonary thromboembolism. 
H. İnönü, B. Acu, C. Pazarlı, S. Doruk, Ü. Erkorkmaz, A. Altunkaş. Diagn Interv Radiol 2012; 18:255-260
DOI: 10.4261/1305-3825.DIR.4597-11.4

Review. Clinical situations in which coronary CT angiography confers superior diagnostic information compared with coronary angiography. 
M. Kantarcı, S. Doğanay, M. Karçaaltıncaba, N. Karabulut, K. Erol, A. Yalçın, C. Duran, M. Dursun, A. Karakaya, S. Tatlı. Diagn Interv Radiol 2012; 18:261-269
DOI: 10.4261/1305-3825.DIR.5064-11.1

The Pathogenesis, Analysis, and Imaging Methods of Atherosclerotic Disease of the Carotid Artery: Review of the Literature.
Lyndon Morley, John Waldron, Laura Dawson, Andrew Bayley, et al.

Chung SY, Park SH, Lee SS, Lee JH, Kim AY, Park SK, Han DJ, Ha HK.

Kwon ON, Cho SH, Park CK, Mun SH.

Radiology June 2012 263:645-660doi:10.1148/radiol.12110526